About Us

The construction of Imam Ali (a.s) mosque began with the prompt efforts of renowned local personalities in conjunction with three Islamic centres under the supervision of His Eminence Sayyid Mohammad Mahdi Khademi (Sadr) the son of the late Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Husain Khademi (Sadr) in 2011.

The above collaborative project was the first step in building the Imam Ali Mosque in the capital of Denmark; Copenhagen.

In spite of numerous administrative obstacles and natural human shortcomings by the grace of the Almighty and the sincere support of the believers the great project of ‘Introducing the true face of Islam’ came to completion in 2015.

The mosque is located on a 3000 m2 piece of land in a south-eastern part of Copenhagen in a mixed residential and commercial area conveniently located close to local amenities.

Our heartiest gratitude is due to all assisting brethren from all around the world as we are truly grateful to our eminent Maraje’ for granting us permission to fulfil this Godly project and for their financial and moral support.

In addition to the main hall which is exclusively allocated for prayer, the mosque consists of a courtroom for use as a gymnasium, spacious classrooms, conference hall, studio, library and a research centre. Various committees are commissioned in offering services and classes in various Islamic topics in Arabic, Farsi, Danish, Urdu and English languages.

لینک کوتاه: http://imamalimoske.dk/en/kU5Ut

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